Code of conduct – English Version
Star Citizen PU 3.5 trading guide
Guide to Nuen Waste Management (Daymar)
Star Citizen Drug Wiki
Since it became a frequent question on our teamspeak, we’ve collected some details regarding the new and old illegal drugs in star citizen WiDoW Thick ink-black synthetic opioid that is injected as a liquid. Extensive use stains the veins black, creating web-like subcutaneous patterns through
Star Citizen Alpha 3.5.0i PTU.1338818 Patch Notes
i will quickly add the actual patch notes from yesterday 7:15 pm ——– Star Citizen Alpha 3.5.0i PTU.1338818 Patch Notes Alpha Patch 3.5.0i has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-1338818. Testing Focus • IFCS: Heat Rework,
2019 Buy Back Token Schedule
Each quarter, a new Buy Back Token will be distributed to your account, providing you with an opportunity to reclaim a ship that you had melted previously. As a reminder, Buy Back Tokens do not roll over or stack, so if you plan on using