Star Citizen PU 3.5 trading guide
05th may 2949
LevCo HQ, Levski – Yela
Hello Citizens,
Star Citizen major patch 3.5 is out for a few weeks now and with the latest hotfixes it has become quite stable.
Time for the Collective to head back to our main business: Trading high-valuable commodoties.
Here here is intel, straight from the verse to boost your auec balance in the latest patch
Neon has the highest profit
Nuen Wastemanagement, located on Crusader’s moon Daymar is one of the six new drug labs and it is one of two which sell a party drug named Neon. Our Member Rico created a guideline video for you guys which some pretty details to make it really easy!
How to get to Nuen Waste Management
From our experiance, the best and safest place to sell Neon is Hickes Research Outpost on Cellin, you can easily reach it by using your quatum drive
WiDoW is still a thing
Besides using the Kamilles website we’ve visited jumptown again, you can sell WidoW still at Grimhex – but it will only buy 600 units (6SCU) per minute. But there is Area18’s administration center where you can sell 10 SCU per minute. Do not use the big and shiny tradehall, go to Area18’s admincenter, otherwise the WidoW won’t appear on the trade terminal.
If you have trouble finding Jumptown, its still on Yela and you can use our Guide to get there!
Tradesheet by Kamille is now a Website
Everyone how has been doing traderuns across Crusader and maybe also Hursten might have came to the point where you stumbled upon a really pretty google-spreadsheet made by a guy named Kamiile.
However he now made a really helpful Website to calculate Traderoutes and even see where you can buy/sell all commodoties. The Website is still leaking some data and everyone is invited update the commodities with screenshot-proofs.
here is a link: https://sc-trading.kamille.ovh