Star Citizen PU 3.5 trading guide
Star Citizen Drug Wiki
Since it became a frequent question on our teamspeak, we’ve collected some details regarding the new and old illegal drugs in star citizen WiDoW Thick ink-black synthetic opioid that is injected as a liquid. Extensive use stains the veins black, creating web-like subcutaneous patterns through
Code of conduct – German Version
The Blacklist
How to get to Jumptown (PU 3.4.3)
Since many people still do not know how to get to Jump Town, the Drug facility on Yela – we’ve decided to create this little guide: update for patch 3.5: Jumptown is still there and can still be seen from Orbital-Marker-2 of Yela. The markers
Levski Collective says hello!
Levski Collective Star Citizen Syndicate Organisation Founded in Delamar, the Levski Collective is active and provides transport and security service for every good. We deliver any shipment everywhere you need it to be. No questions will be asked. On this Website you can find first-hand