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Levski Collective

Star Citizen Syndicate Organisation

Founded in Delamar, the Levski Collective is active and provides transport and security service for every good.

We deliver any shipment everywhere you need it to be.
No questions will be asked.

On this Website you can find first-hand experience from the verse, as well as guides.

Fly Safe!

Donchrizzy – Fleet Admiral

Recent Blogposts

Incoming Transmission

Incoming Transmission

Date: 30-01-2955 16:25:34 Datatype: Tansmission - text only Encription: Enabled Hello Buddy, Ich weiß es ist einige Zeit her, mit Version 4.0 eröffnet Star Citizen endlich die Möglichkeit für mehr Gameplay außerhalb von Bounties und ich denke es ist an
Code of conduct – English Version

Code of conduct – English Version

Code of Conduct 1. Our organisation stands for a plural/multicultural and diverse society. We do not tolerate discrimination of minorities or degrading behaviour against gender, sexual orientation, religion or heritage. Everyone is welcome among us as long as the code
Star Citizen PU 3.5 trading guide

Star Citizen PU 3.5 trading guide

05th may 2949 LevCo HQ, Levski - Yela Hello Citizens, Star Citizen major patch 3.5 is out for a few weeks now and with the latest hotfixes it has become quite stable. Time for the Collective to head back to
Guide to Nuen Waste Management (Daymar)

Guide to Nuen Waste Management (Daymar)

I've created a video where i explain how we get to the new drug lab on Daymar. Coming from Orbital-Marker 3 it is pretty easy to spot. On Nuen Waste Management you can buy the following commodies: Waste (obviously) E'tam
Star Citizen Drug Wiki

Star Citizen Drug Wiki

Since it became a frequent question on our teamspeak, we’ve collected some details regarding the new and old illegal drugs in star citizen WiDoW Thick ink-black synthetic opioid that is injected as a liquid. Extensive use stains the veins black,

Star Citizen Alpha 3.5.0i PTU.1338818 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.5.0i PTU.1338818 Patch Notes

i will quickly add the actual patch notes from yesterday 7:15 pm ——– Star Citizen Alpha 3.5.0i PTU.1338818 Patch Notes Alpha Patch 3.5.0i has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-1338818. Testing

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