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Levski Collective says hello!

Levski Collective

Star Citizen Syndicate Organisation

Founded in Delamar, the Levski Collective is active and provides transport and security service for every good.

We deliver any shipment everywhere you need it to be.
No questions will be asked.

On this Website you can find first-hand experience from the verse, as well as guides.

Fly Safe!

Donchrizzy – Fleet Admiral

Oh yeah, we’ve launched our Website.

Are you sick of loosing your hard earned UEC to random griefers camping over Jump Town? You wish to take advantage of group play or talk about all things Star Citizen? Then join us! The Levski Collective offers  a laid back and adult company of people. Whenever you fly, we fly with you!
In the future we will  frequently post stories about our adventures in the ‘Verse and create useful tutorials! So stay tuned!

German – speaking players are also invited to join us!

Du bist es endgültig leid deine hart verdienten UEC wieder an Griefer zu verlieren die über Jumptown campen? Du willst in einer Gruppe Aufgaben erledigen und dich über Star Citizen austauschen? Das Levski Collective bietet dir eine zwanglose erwachsene Atmosphäre in der du all-abendtlich zocken kannst. Egal ob du dauer-online oder nur sporadisch spielst – wir fliegen gerne mit dir!



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